

Samichlaus 1

"Sami Niggi-Näggi, Hinder em Ofe steck i. 
Gib mir Nüss und Bire, Denn chummi i wider füre."

On December 6th, Swiss children are confronted with a stern St. Nicholas and his golden book, where all their good and bad deeds have been noted all year. They memorize small poems and songs to welcome him.
He carries a switch for small infractions, and a strong side kick (Schmutzli) to put you in his sack and haul you away if you've been very "bad" (this was always a great success in teen and preteen School Samichlaus celebrations in my youth)

A quick sketch in honor of St. Nicholas, I will work on it and put it back up later. Have a nice day, make sure to eat some nuts and oranges to celebrate.

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