

snowless days

it isn't snowing here - but we wish it were....
An old collage piece recycled as today's header. I hope you get to play in the snow!


a notable lamb...

I was very excited to find this message in my inbox yesterday: 
" the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee has chosen The Passover Lamb as a Notable book in the Younger Readers Category for 2014".  Thank you!
look at that poor lonely neglected lamb way in  back

When I was a kid I loved all books, OK most books, but I remember the pleasure of reading about the All-Of- A-Kind-Family. And there were sequels!


Jumping right in

to the new year, happy 2014!

I'm so excited to be featured on the Babybug Blog this month! 

If you want to get to know me better you can pop right over and read the interview here. To be honest, my studio is quite a bit messier than in the picture, but I love it anyway.
Thank you Kathleen.

one of my illustrations in Babybug magazine, Jan 2014