


Hello, happy friday!
If you have been following this space lately, the changes must have been dizzying.
I've been adding, taking away, redesigning and all around re organizing. I like it plain and simple, the way you find it today. I would have added a new header, but that will have to wait a bit, I can hear the school buses already :)

Cardboard house inspired by one of her photographs.
Random, I know. 
Have a nice weekend, I'll be back with a new header and Illustration Friday, the topic this week "identical".


full color

While I play around with ideas for a new business card a postcard mailer and all that good stuff, Nora got the jump on me :)


hello again

I'm back with a new header, and I spent some time tweaking the blog layout. I like it better a bit more colorful, and it seems more organized. 

Here's another pony experiment, mixed media on board


learning curve

look, the header has no more background color!! 
Ok, it needs more work, and I could never replicate what I did, but: yay!

this is what the original drawing looks like....
I hope it doesn't mind being the guinea pig for my photoshop experiments.


look, new header..... These are the critters from my yard.
Now I have to admit to my almost complete computer ignorance.  Challenge: how to get rid of the paper color behind the line drawing. Photoshop, I assume, any advice?


down on the ranch

Here are some snapshots of our trip to east Tennessee: Guest Ranch and Great Smoky Mountains.
Can you believe I didn't include even one horse?
They get their own post tomorrow :)

Smoky Mountains

Dilly, the pig

 I have my own cave memories from my swiss childhood and couldn't pass this one up. Very commercial, but impressive and genuinely retro

a gaggle of kittens

curious Lama


pony show

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em :)
I'm getting in on the horse frenzy at my house, short of actually leasing or owning one, that is. I have a few projects up my sleeve, and I'm starting with some ponies. 
Did I mention our trip to the "guest ranch"? I'll share some pictures tomorrow.


punch buggy

Meet the newest member of the family.
 I have a feeling he will make a good model, he seems to have a lot of personality.


IF: freeze

This image is not new, but it's one of my my favorite's, and definitely appropriate for "freeze"
Summer madness is starting to slow down around here, and I'll be able to come back to this space more regularly. I missed you blog :)
Check back for new work soon.


beautiful distractions

fairies made entirely by Nora (6) when I was not looking