

magical holidays

here is this year's paper cut; happy holidays to all!


out on the town

Me and my big girls went to the big city to see Emmylou Harris last night.
She was awesome, of course; but so was her opening act, Low Anthem, a quirky band from Rhode Island.
Checking in on my lonely blog, I notice that we need a fall - or almost winter- header, and some all around love and attention.
I'll be back

IF: sneaky

here's a sneaky little fox for illustration friday this week


IF: spooky

this weeks illustration friday was covered by a page in the 12 days of christmas book. I will get around to doing a few other spooky drawings, it's that time of year.


Book Launch

Whoohoo! Saturday (tomorrow, eek) is the book launch party for The Twelve Days of Christmas in South Carolina. Fiction Addiction is graciously hosting this event, and it sounds like it will be pretty exciting! Melinda Long, the author, has come up with fun worksheets and even a sing along- since it is a song.
We'll be off to Greenville in the morning, the party starts at 11 am and the store is on Woodruff Rd, so stop by if you're in the area.


iF: proverb

"Butterflies in my stomach"? or maybe more like "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
In any case I had fun with this collage, and I think I'll make some more


playing around

This is the result of my first timid exploration with my scanner and photoshop.
Just getting my feet wet.


illustration for Babybug

I just got my new issue of Baby bug in the mail. I have an illustration on the last spread.
It's always like a present for everybody to get these in the mail, my kids still love looking at them.


IF: Atmosphere

Misty morning at the horse farm


Little Snake

We met Little Snake on a walk to the lighthouse this summer....he was well camouflaged, but Louisa spotted him right away.
Now that school is back in session, little Snake and I get to spend some time in the studio together. This is such a fun project, it's great to be back!


swimming pool

Here is swimming pool image #2.
Somehow those goggles always manage to let in a few gallons of water...but nobody seems to mind.


swimming pool

I have been spending my summer mornings at the pool these days, what a great place to bring a sketchbook!
It's been so much fun watching and drawing swim team practice and swimming lessons; as a bonus, everyone in my family is making some progress in the water.
Now I'm turning my sketches into a series of swimming pool drawings/collages, my plan is to pick the best one and turn it into a "real" postcard to send out at the end of summer for self promotion....feel free to weigh in with your favorite.
I hope you're enjoying your summer days!


dancing in the rain

after a week of rainforest weather the air is dry and the sun is back out - just in time for my birthday .
happy birthday to me:)


IF: slither

this subject came at the perfect time; snake sightings here in SC,
and the beginning of a snake fest around here as I get back to work on a cute picture book called "Little Snake" (I'm allowed to call it cute, since I didn't write it)
...I'm sure you'll be hearing a lot more on that subject...


hello Portfolio

After a long absence, welcome back to my portfolio (applause!)
see the sidebar for a link and check it out!
I will be updating it regularly; it's good to be back!


The proofs have come out, the planning has begun, I just can't wait any longer.....I have to show you the cover proof of this book!
It's going to be published in november, in time for the holidays,of course. Yesterday I got to meet the charming Melinda Long for coffee, and we came up with a game plan to travel the state and present it. It sounds like a lot of fun!
check back for some peeks at the interior drawings...


in the garden

calling it "in the garden" is a lot more interesting than calling it"endless hours spent in front of the computer moving photos and deleting programs"....
soon I'll be able to hook my scanner up to my NEW COMPUTER !! hurray!
life will never be the same


monday inspiration

I will let myself be inspired by my little girl today, she sure has a way with a pencil


IF: Cocoon

a cozy cocoon for this rainy may day


IF: dip

I couldn't resist digging out this old cat for "dip" .
By the end of the month I'll be able to jump back in with some new work,
right now I can't wait to get cranking on the last big deadline projects!



hello blog, just checking in...

No time for Illustration Friday this week, I'll have to wait for the next topic to roll around. My big girl is on break, and we're enjoying the days and trying to squeeze in a bit of work, since the deadline is creeping up.
The picture today goes with a whole bunch of them done earlier this year; little books that come with your baby doll...more on that later too.


back to the drawing board

I'm listening to this amazing concert as I head into the home stretch of the next book.



the silly cows are making their way into a book, more on that this fall... hurray!....
now, on to other pressing things; and a little spring sunshine always helps me get motivated.
That, and the prospect of a nice beach holiday in june....aaah



These are partial endpapers for my new cow book
It's spring! (and spring break for my little chick), so I'm off to dig in the garden


IF: subterranean

Here is the final papercut for this week. With the weather warming up I'm feeling springy.


I'm back!

This is a sketch for this weeks "Illustration Friday" I will cut it as a fun weekend project and post it with a link when I'm done.
It makes me a bit homesick just to look at those swiss cows in the mist...


I' ve been spending a lot of time with these girls lately. I'm working on a math book with a friendly cow as the main character - and her silly chicken companions. It's turning out to be a lot of fun.