

hello Portfolio

After a long absence, welcome back to my portfolio (applause!)
see the sidebar for a link and check it out!
I will be updating it regularly; it's good to be back!


The proofs have come out, the planning has begun, I just can't wait any longer.....I have to show you the cover proof of this book!
It's going to be published in november, in time for the holidays,of course. Yesterday I got to meet the charming Melinda Long for coffee, and we came up with a game plan to travel the state and present it. It sounds like a lot of fun!
check back for some peeks at the interior drawings...


in the garden

calling it "in the garden" is a lot more interesting than calling it"endless hours spent in front of the computer moving photos and deleting programs"....
soon I'll be able to hook my scanner up to my NEW COMPUTER !! hurray!
life will never be the same


monday inspiration

I will let myself be inspired by my little girl today, she sure has a way with a pencil


IF: Cocoon

a cozy cocoon for this rainy may day