


hello blog, just checking in...

No time for Illustration Friday this week, I'll have to wait for the next topic to roll around. My big girl is on break, and we're enjoying the days and trying to squeeze in a bit of work, since the deadline is creeping up.
The picture today goes with a whole bunch of them done earlier this year; little books that come with your baby doll...more on that later too.


back to the drawing board

I'm listening to this amazing concert as I head into the home stretch of the next book.



the silly cows are making their way into a book, more on that this fall... hurray!....
now, on to other pressing things; and a little spring sunshine always helps me get motivated.
That, and the prospect of a nice beach holiday in june....aaah



These are partial endpapers for my new cow book
It's spring! (and spring break for my little chick), so I'm off to dig in the garden


IF: subterranean

Here is the final papercut for this week. With the weather warming up I'm feeling springy.


I'm back!

This is a sketch for this weeks "Illustration Friday" I will cut it as a fun weekend project and post it with a link when I'm done.
It makes me a bit homesick just to look at those swiss cows in the mist...


I' ve been spending a lot of time with these girls lately. I'm working on a math book with a friendly cow as the main character - and her silly chicken companions. It's turning out to be a lot of fun.